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# Quotes To Date: 191,482
RRPL Details
Available for all states.

Contractor must be in business at least 1 year.

CGL/Excess limits must be equal to or greater than requested limits.

Any project that includes bridge work with a 5mm/10mm limit must be referred to the carrier.

The following will be referred to Westchester Fire Insurance Company:
  • Use of explosives or fireworks
  • Use of asbestos
  • Underground construction such as subways or mines
  • Work in existing: refineries, chemical plants, mills, or grain elevators
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • New construction within 50 feet of the tracks will be a referral
  • Track work with daily trains running will be a referral
  • Projects with contract costs of 10mm within 50 feet of the railroad right of way are eligible for immediate quote. Any project larger than 10mm within 50 feet of the railroad right of way must be referred to the carrier
  • Limits other than 1/3, 2/6, or 5/10.
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