Commercial Builders’ Risk Coverage:
Available in all states.
New construction of a building:
- Fire Resistive, Masonry Non Combustible, Modified Fire Resistive and Non Combustible up to 15M
- Joisted Masonry up to 5M
- Frame up to 2.5M
New construction other than a building = referral (i.e. road work, utility work etc.)
Non-structural Renovation of an existing building up to 2.5M
Addition to an Existing building = referral
Structural renovation – NOT ELIGIBLE
Effective date cannot be more than 90 days in the future
Policy Terms Available:
- Contract works < 5,000,000 = max term length 12 months *
- Contract works >=5,000,000 and <10,000,000 = max term length 15 months *
- Contract works 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 = max term length 18 months *
* extensions are available if required
Ineligible Projects:
- Structural renovations
- Any project previously started whether it was not covered or it was covered elsewhere
Residential Builders’ Risk Coverage:
Available in all states.
New Construction of Single Family Dwelling or Duplex (for Apartments, Condominiums – see Commercial)
Homebuilder or Developer – up to 1M
Homeowner – NOT ELIGIBLE
Policy Terms Available:
- Contract works < 500,000 – max term length 12 months *
- Contract works 500,000 – 1,000,000 – max term length 15 months *
* extensions are available if required
Ineligible Projects:
- New Construction other than a dwelling
- Renovations of or an addition to an existing dwelling
- Any Project previously started whether it was not covered or it was covered elsewhere
- Homebuilder with less than 1 year experience